ProjectWise Explorer Help

Folder Export Wizard

Used to download either managed or unmanaged copies of the documents in the selected folder or work area to a folder outside of ProjectWise. Opens when you select a folder or work area and then select Folder > Export.

Welcome page

Export If on, documents in the selected folder or work area will be locked, and then managed copies of the locked documents will be downloaded to the export folder specified on the next page of the wizard. Exported documents can be edited and later imported using Document > Import. The Export option is typically used when you need to edit documents outside of ProjectWise. If you do not need these documents edited, consider using Send to Folder instead.
Send to Folder If on, no documents are locked, and unmanaged copies of documents of the selected folder or work area will be downloaded to the export folder specified on the next page of the wizard. You can download an unmanaged copy of any document to which you have access, even if the documents are currently checked out or exported. Because Send to Folder does not lock the documents in ProjectWise, you cannot later import any changes you might make to these documents. If you need to edit documents outside of ProjectWise, use the Export option instead.

Define the export settings page

Export folder Specifies the location to which the files in the folder or work area will be downloaded. To select the target folder, either type in the field or click the Browse button to the right of the field, select a target folder, then click OK. The next time you run the Folder Export Wizard, it will remember the name of the last folder you downloaded to. If you type a location that does not exist, it will be created upon export.
Create subfolders for empty folders If there are empty subfolders or sub-work areas in the folder or work area you are exporting, turning this option on will create those subfolders in the target folder.
Create subfolder for selected folder If on, the folder or work area you selected to export, upon export, becomes a subfolder of the target folder. If off, the documents at the root of the selected folder or work area, and any subfolders or sub-work areas, are exported to the root of target folder. If you have selected the entire Documents root folder to export, this option is disabled.
Note: For legacy reasons ProjectWise will let you create a folder name that contains the backslash "\" character. However, "\" is an invalid character for folder names on the Windows file system, therefore if you export a ProjectWise folder that contains "\" in the name, it will split the folders in two, the latter becoming a subfolder of the former. For example, if the folder name is "DGNS\DWGS" in ProjectWise, then upon export, " DWGS" will become a subfolder of "DGNS" on the local file system.
Use folder descriptions as folder names If on, subfolders are created in the target folder using the description of the source folder or work area instead of the name of the folder or work area. This option only works if Create subfolder for selected folder is selected; if not selected, only subfolders are named using the folder description.
Copy reference documents into master document folder (Send to Folder only)

If on, the references of a master document are downloaded to the same folder to which the master document is exported, even if the reference documents are located in a different source folder than the master document. Turning this option on turns off the next option, Export child documents which are not included in exporting hierarchy to the special folder. Note that this option only applies to reference documents; it does not apply to linked documents.

Export child documents which are not included in exporting hierarchy to the specified folder If the folder or work area you are exporting has master documents, and those master documents have reference documents that are not in the folder or work area you are exporting (or any of its subfolders or sub-work areas), turning this option on will export those reference documents to the folder you specify. This export folder must be different from the export folder specified in the Export folder field. Click the Browse button to select the export folder for these reference documents. Note that this option only applies to reference documents; it does not apply to linked documents. When using Send to Folder, turning this option on turns off the previous option, Copy reference documents into master document folder.
Update documents to use local paths for references and links If on, all file paths to references and links in the exported documents will be rewritten to point to the file system folder to which the referenced and linked documents were exported. This option is useful when the referenced and linked documents you are exporting are in a different folder than the exported master document. This option is not needed and should be turned off if the referenced and link documents are in the same source folder as the master document.

Review folder export results page

Displays the results of the export. In particular, this page displays a very short message if the export was successful ("Folder was successfully exported"), and provides details for any errors that may have occurred during export.